News Flash: Sodomy is Gross, and Grossly Wrong

I know what you’re thinking. I don’t like thinking about it either. But just – for a moment – think about what homosexuality actually is.

A better generation – for all of America, actually, banned it until just recently in our history.

You still haven’t thought about it, have you? Let’s revisit what exactly sodomy is.

It’s a man inserting his penis into the anus of another man. Arguably, it could also apply to other things, but this is the basic definition.

I know what you’re thinking. First of all, eww. Major eww. Major major eww!

But you’re also probably thinking, as you’ve been told by television – well, they were born this way! They just have to do it.

God gave us something called the Natural Law. If you’re not a theologian, and I’m not, by the way, let me explain what theologians mean when they talk about Natural Law.

Natural Law is different from Scripture. The Ten Commandments are scriptural revelation; God’s list of do’s and don’ts that define Godly character. They help reveal our nature to us, and whether we’re generally on the right path toward becoming more like Christ. How? Well, if you violate God’s laws, i.e. if you murder an innocent person, then chances are you’re getting farther away from Christ, from holiness, not closer to him. There’s something deep inside of us that is grieved when we see an innocent person murdered; it’s called the conscience. The conscience is part of God’s natural inner fingerprints on our soul, as C.S. Lewis put it. That conscience helps inform us of what we may have missed in Scripture, because we are made in the image of God. Therefore, his fingerprints are within us. If you read Scripture (the Bible), Natural Revelation is useful for confirming what we read in scripture, and vice versa. It also works the other way. God may use our emotions – like our anger at the murder of an innocent, to drive us to action. And then we may turn to the Ten Commandments to find that our godly anger is indeed godly anger, and that we ought pursue justice in a God-honoring way, because we see in Scripture, the Bible, that murder of an innocent person is in fact wrong.

The same is true with homosexuality. I hate to use euphemisms like “LGBT” or “gay,” because they are merely marketing words to put a positive spin on the grossest, most disgusting thing ever. Okay, so there are other bad things that happen besides one man lying with another man. But this is at the top of God’s list. As the Old Testament reveals His character, I’m not aware of any other cities God destroyed over homosexuality. Actually, the whole world, you might argue.

In any event, the fake news would like you to believe that somehow you should ignore that instant feeling of disgust when you think of a man inserting his penis into the anus of another man.

Well, don’t ignore it. That feeling of disgust is a good and holy feeling of disgust, the same as when we are disgusted when any other evil is committed. This is God speaking to us, letting us know that God hates homosexuality as much as we do.

Good Christian man and woman with eyes to read, let him read: we’ve got to solve this problem. Let that feeling of disgust drive you to righteous and holy action. Lawful action. We live in a nation God has blessed more than any other nation in the world. Use your power to self-govern, which is really our prerogative alone here in the Land of the Free, to protect the blessings of righteousness and peace and to help restore America to a more Christian way of living.

Because, News Flash: Sodomy is just plain wrong. It’s not a hateful thing to say. Being hateful – that would be ignoring the problem, and letting the minds, souls, and bodies of the most vulnerable among us continue to be raped in government schools and beyond.

And America’s Man’s Man says, as God and conscience lead me, Homosexuality is just plain wrong, and it needs to be stopped. Furthermore, it needs to be stopped by God’s people. NOW. Yesterday. Don’t theologically dance around it; don’t try to justify it or its myriad of cloaks, like “transsexualism,” or “male effeminacy.” We need to fight it now. Smartly, vigorously. Lest we perish, both now and in the hereafter.

Always lawfully, always peaceably, civilly, smartly here in God’s exceptional nation. And we need to civilly fight forces that call themselves Christians who stand in the way – even if they’re standing right in front of us, preaching sermons in our pulpits.

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