The Manly Business Of Fairy Tales: John Eldredge; Jordan Peterson; Jeff Feldhaun on Walt Disney

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Just a friendly reminder to the FakeNews media and legitimate authors alike to PLEASE CORRECTLY ATTRIBUTE ideas from this ORIGINAL ARTICLE which requires an investment of time and resources on the part of the author. Please attribute this article to the America’s Man’s Man Blog authored by Peter Vadala. This article copyright 2019, all rights reserved.
UPDATE NOTE: This Article has been updated to add Man-guru Jeff Feldhaun to the list of Walt Disney obsessees.

These three – no, four manly men seem to think that fairy tales – aren’t just for “fairies.”

John, Jordan and Jeff decode Walt for a living. I’m so sorry for the alliteration. It’s inevitable, given both my FakeNews and Southern Baptist backgrounds.

VIDEO: Peter Vadala’s Video Introduction To This Article

Of course, according to the homosexual left, everybody is a homosexual. But in this age of trannies who are going full-blown Michael Jackson with your children at the local library, I think it gives us pause to consider three bulwarks of manliness who think that men ought to pay attention to the fairy tales that we tell.

John Eldredge

“Deep in his heart, every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.” 

― John Eldredge, Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul
“I’m so glad I left my tower!” sings Rapunzel, with psychology explained years before the movie actually came out in John Eldredge’s prescient book which took off in American Evangelical Christendom, “Wild at Heart.”

Likely the inspiration for Disney’s Tangled movie written by Dan Fogelman, Wild at Heart by John Eldredge explained explicitly why fairy tales have such staying power in a nation where the Best Seller of All Time, the foremost foundation of America’s existence at the very least, is failing to light America’s fire.

“In the case of our fair maiden, we have overlooked two very crucial aspects to that myth. On the one hand, none of us ever really believed the sorcerer was real. We thought we could have the maiden without a fight. Honestly, most of us guys thought our biggest battle was asking her out. And second, we have not understood the tower and its relationship to her wound; the damsel is in distress. If masculinity has come under assault, femininity has been brutalized. Eve is the crown of creation, remember? She embodies the exquisite beauty and the exotic mystery of God in a way that nothing else in all creation even comes close to. And so she is the special target of the Evil One; he turns his most vicious malice against her. If he can destroy her or keep her captive, he can ruin the story.” 

― John Eldredge, Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul

Many men have tried to imitate the success of John Eldredge’s landmark book, perhaps the most popular among men who are still trying to be men in a culture inundated with media-induced androgynous psychosis. That book, of course, is Wild at Heart.

The bane of feminists everywhere, Wild at Heart makes a case for authentic manliness by demonstrating how even Disney movies illustrate how men desire to live an adventure and conquer the beauty; and how women desire to be conquered. What drives the feminists completely nuts is that John Eldredge makes his case based on Disney movies.

John argues that fairy tales are the training ground for children to learn to act like men or women before approaching adulthood.

Read more about John Eldredge’s analysis of America’s favorite fairy tales here.

Jordan Peterson

He’s the psych professor we all wish we had had. To say that the internationally renowned “man-whisperer” Jordan Peterson is obsessed with fairy tales might just be an understatement. He’s the guy that every man seeks to understand in their quest to reclaim their birthright that the FakeNews always seems to be attempting to usurp from them.

Here’s just a handful of entire lecutres Jordan Peterson has devoted to proving the basis of manliness on the basis of fairy tales:

Jordan Peterson Fairy Tale Manhood Lectures

Jordan Peterson May Have A Future As A Call-In Show Psychologist

It seems like a natural fit of a niche for Jordan Peterson, so one wonders why Jordan Peterson hasn’t yet ventured out into a call-in show format, since he’s such a sought-after clinical psychologist. The natural answer would be that he’s so hot right now as of the time of this writing, and his theory hasn’t fully gotten “out there,” that he’d rather spend time concentrating on more fully being challenged by his audiences and articulating his ever-more-perfect epistemology of the human soul and the universe it inhabits. Perhaps he’ll get to more application-related matters later on. It would be a very popular show, and a very popular one. Granted, it may not be as helpful to his audience in the long-term if he did so. Perhaps we ought therefore be thankful he’s from Canada and thus less the economic opportunist and more someone genuinely interested in the state of humanity.

Jeff Feldhaun

Okay, so Jeff is a minor, minor among the man-gurus, again an offshoot of the John Eldredge “Wild at Heart” trend. But he did write a book which was mildly successful called “For Men Only,” and working off the John Eldredge franchise model, he also developed a companion book for women, “For Women Only.” Here’s a direct quote from his book where he references the Disney Movie, The Parent Trap, in defense of his thesis.

“You didn’t come after me.”
Maybe you remember the 1998 remake of the old Disney movie The Parent Trap, starring Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson, and then-twelve-year-old Lindsay Lohan. Our young daughter loves this movie, and we were watching it for the twentieth time one night when Shaunti pointed out a perfect illustration for this book. In the movie, two preteen girls realize they are twins, separated at birth when their parents divorced—so they plot to get them back together by switching places. The British mom and American dad still care about each other, and when they finally meet again, Nick asks his exwife, Elizabeth, about what happened between them. Nick: It ended so fast….So…about the day you packed…. Why did you do it? Elizabeth: Nick, we were so young, and we each had tempers. We each said foolish things. So I packed, got on my first 747 and…you didn’t come after me. (Dead silence.) Nick: I didn’t know I was supposed to. Elizabeth: (Smiling bravely) Well, it really doesn’t matter now…. So let’s just put on a good face for the girls, shall we, and get this show on the road. Shaunti said this was an example of where the woman really wanted him to come after her. I asked, “But why didn’t she just tell him that she wanted him to stop her from leaving? Why play games and make him read her mind?” She looked at me, totally astonished. “Because if she said, ‘Come after me,’ it wouldn’t mean anything! It would be her decision, not his. She’d always doubt whether he did it on his own or because she asked him and guilted him into it.” Oh. Now I get it. The movie, by the way, ends well. Nick finally realizes that in spite of Elizabeth’s seeming to push him away, she wanted him to follow. And so he does. Because he learns to pursue, learns to reassure, the family is reunited. Chances are, your wife or girlfriend is carrying around an unseen uncertainty about your love and needs you to come after her, too, look her in the eye, and tell her that you love her…and you’re not going to let her get away.

For Men Only, end of chapter 2. Download your copy free here.

Walt Disney

Perhaps epitomizing the American Dream by being all-American and the ultimate successful dreamer, Walt Disney built a business empire built upon american dreams. Some have accused him of hijacking the national imagination.

Granted, the Walt Disney company today has betrayed both Walt’s American Dream and the American people by financing and operating an infamous empire of what Walt himself described as communist entertainers. The modern Walt Disney Company, with its flagship FakeNews empire ABC, is anti-American and stands upon most of the pillars of the original communist platform, including homosexuality as a means of breaking down the American family.

Nonetheless, the historical figure Walt Disney devoted his studio to making America the great nation we know it to be today, God’s exceptional nation among nations.

Read about the uncomfortable dichotomy between Walt Disney Company’s patriotic beginnings and the anti-American domestic terrorist it is today in this recent article by Peter Vadala.

Your Complete Guide To Surviving The FakeNews Media

If you’d like a complete guide to understanding the Fake News Media, Domestic Terrorist Number One (people tell me President Trump loves this) – click here for Peter’s complete guide to surviving the number one domestic terrorist’s assault on America.