How Trump Won The 2016 Election

This is copyrighted material and all rights are strictly reserved. FakeNews and legit journalists alike must attribute this to Peter Vadala and the AmericasMansMan blog, or Peter Vadala will sue you for copyright infringement.

When men approach me and ask me what the heck happened to American politics, I explain to them what is so obvious to me which isn’t as conspicuous to most. Naturally, you won’t read about this in the mainstream media, but you’ll read about it here.

President Donald Trump won the 2016 election for a very simple reason, and that reason is that he is media literate. What the hell does that mean? I’m going to tell you.

One of the most prescient illustrations of a lack of media literacy from my old textbooks was the audience that first went to see one of the very first motion pictures, “Arrival of a Train.” Here, take a look.

You’re probably thinking, no big deal. This was the first film? But why? Nothing happens.

As legend has it, the audience of this original film ran out of the theater screaming. Why? They had never seen a film before, and they thought that there was a train coming which would run them over. So, they did what any rational person would do, and reacted to the information their eyes were sending them. They ran out of the theater screaming.

I forget who came up with the ubiquitous marketing mantra, “Never believe your own advertising.”

For years, we’ve lived with a thoroughly anti-American FakeNews media – it was always FakeNews; Trump just called it what it is – with the help of some writings by yours truly. Don’t forget that Peter Vadala was the first man to call the media America’s domestic terrorist and public threat number one. Long before President Trump did.

From My Friend @SLandInSoCal, which President Trump Retweeted. The Tweet Got My Friend Banned From Twitter

The reason that President Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton staggered and depressed the FakeNews Media just as much as anyone else is simply this: the FakeNews has been telling the same collossal lie for so long that they forgot that they were telling a lie.

The FakeNews media scares most people half to death. Just think of R Kelly’s reaction to one of the network bigwigs calling him names on National Television. He exploded. And maybe he deserved to explode. That’s not the point here.

The point here is that President Donald Trump is immune to the implicit fear that implicitly comes with the aura of celebrity that most of us everyday Americans associate with celebrity.

Are you afraid of Rosie O’Donnell? I would suggest that while you might not be afraid she’ll eat you and your children, you may be afraid that if you dis her too much, she can ruin your life. Why? Certainly not because Americans like Rosie O’Donnell; because who likes Rosie O’Donnell? Not even lesbians.

And yet, if you watched enough of the fake news leading up to the Donald Trump exchanges with Megyn Kelly over Rosie O’Donnel, you might stammer long enough during a natural presidential debate before calling the washed up obese lesbian out to allow for another of the debating candidates to seize on that millisecond of weakness and take you out. But Trump had no self-doubt; he had no such fear of celebrity. And the reason is that his experience, and the implicit working media literacy which is a part of his person – gives him something none of the other candidates had.

Donald Trump’s work in the industry, and knowledge of the FakeNews, allowed him to capitalize upon his chief competitive advantage, as an interpreter of the dreams and fears of most Americans; because he understands the source of the American collective consciousness in such a way that he’s well acquainted with the American Dream, and America’s fears. Furthermore, Donald Trump understands those dreams and fears in such a way as to be able to transcend them.

Normally, the analysts in the FakeNews would report as to the reasons for Donald Trump’s success so that the leftists who want America to lose can do a better job of taking out Trump next time.

I’m not saying that Trump has no other good qualities and characteristics; because he is a man of tremendous integrity; more integrity than we’ve seen in a very long time. But many of the Republican candidates of 2016 had a good dose of integrity, notably Mike Huckabee. And notably, Mike Huckabee had a good dose of media literacy from his role as a commentator at Fox, but Huckabee’s work was not quite the same work as our President’s. Huckabee’s media literacy was limited to the media niche of socio-political commentary, and on the conservative Christian patriotic side at that.

Trump, aside from being an extremely ambitious person unshackled by some of the limiting aspects of Christian fundamentalism, had and continues to exhibit that he continues to have, the greatest working knowledge of the “dark side” of the Fake News. When Ted Cruz’ utterly self-conscious blunder into a flirtatious exchange with an aging CNN anchor that Trump wouldn’t have considered all that attractive regarding pornography revealed what his character really was; when “Little Mark’s” anger revealed what a little person he really was; and when Jeb Bush, God love him, couldn’t figure out that his wife is not Red State society, Donald Trump sailed through with flying colors. Because Donald Trump has already transcended the business of the FakeNews.

I try to tell the leader of Boston’s Super Happy Fun America, John Hugo, that he can’t be the least Super Happy Fun American and lead a group called Super Happy Fun America. If you meet the man, he’s absolutely paranoid, even of his own people. And I can’t blame him. Years of FakeNews-induced psychosis has raised the collective blood pressure of a nation, “liberals and conservatives” alike. And the FakeNews has very distinct, very plain profit-motivated purposes for mongering chaos among Americans. To put it in a sentence, if Americans aren’t happy, there’s little pain; if there’s no pain, there’s no conflict in America; if there’s no conflict, there’s no drama, and if there’s no drama, there’s no television show; and if there’s no television show, who’s not surviving? The FakeNews Media. We all hate the FakeNews media, regardless of skin color or political affiliation; but we are carnal humans and the FakeNews Media is adept at trickery of the human soul using electronic means – and they use this to extract a profit from us. That’s all it is; profiteering from anti-Americanism at its core; that’s the bread and butter of the FakeNews Media and all media, the way they’ve been operating, and yes, even Fox News. The rise of Fox News is only a reaction to the reckless selling out of the American people of the rest of the media. If CNN were honest, Fox News wouldn’t exist. So Fox News operates on a slightly-more noble premise, if that, of capitalizing upon the existence of the fundamentally anti-American legacy media. And, of course, to take this a step further if you got all that, Silicon Valley is rising as the new more successful anti-American trickster, positioning itself as the more truthful alternative to the FakeNews, when in actuality it’s merely doing the job to the unteemth degree. If Neil Postman were to write his Amusing Ourselves To Death today, he would merely say that the telegraph begat newspapers, which begat radio and TV, which begat internet media. It’s all part of the same sordid yellow journalism legacy that the FakeNews wants you to never learn about. And so all we as the media-illiterate “end user” of the fakenews media is that we’re growing more and more frustrated, more suspicious of our neighbors, and more resentful of ourselves, our country, our God, and even our loved ones and children – yet what makes it such slick media psychosis we’ve fallen prey to is that none of us can tell what the hell is happening.

Our President, our very adequate, even holy and good president, Donald Trump, is the only one in the room who can see clearly to understand that there isn’t really a train that’s going to hit us if we don’t panic. So even the pawns of the FakeNews, the talking heads you see on TV – in true Diva style, feel more entitled than millennials in their role. The Talking FakeNews Media Heads are so vain – and I’ve met them – they are so vain that they actually believe that they take part in the most noble mission of taking down the President of the United States. They feel that they have the moral high ground, because they have been telling themselves this lie, in the same way that the bank robber believes in his warped logic, that somehow, it is the right thing for him to do to rob the bank. The Fake News Media’s tragic flaw is not the uncommon one of hubris, but with the twist that it is electronically encouraged hubris; and ironically, it’s a cesspool of poisonous electronically suggested hubris that they and their own industry created to pull a fast one on the other non-media crowd. In other words, the FakeNews has committed the cardinal sin number one of Maddison Avenue, which is simply, “Never believe your own lie.”

President Trump is the only candidate I’ve heard of who gets the fundamental media and transcends it because, like America’s Man’s Man, he is media. So while the other candidates are running helter-skelter, or playing catch up with the insults in the most defensive and weak-looking manner, President Trump’s deeply ingrained working knowledge of the media – his superior media literacy – is what allowed him, perhaps more than any other characteristic, to charge forth like that proverbial train arriving at the station, when all the other guys were running from the theater of American politics.

President Trump knows that, to some degree, the election is a made-for-TV program, and that the man who puts on the best television show, wins. Ironically, Hillary Clinton was still conversing about the book, Amusing Ourselves to Death while President Trump was handily taking the election away from her, despite having the whole of the FakeNews solidly on her side.

A man who can interpret The American Dream can transcend the American dream; but none of the other candidates; in fact 99.9999999% of Americans can’t make it past the interpretation, and they’re still railing to try to figure out what the hell is going on.

The FakeNews is just a movie, people. So everybody calm the heck down; turn off the FakeNews, becuase obviously, most of you can’t handle the pornographic lies of the info-babes, and CNN’s info-not-so-babes like Rachel Maddow. And then, perhaps, you may see clearly to remove the splint from your neighbor’s eye, so both of you can stop running from the proverbial train.

Media literacy. President Trump’s Win. FakeNews Media’s Loss. That’s all it is.

Wanna get more media literate? Well, reading this is a good start.